Saturday, January 25

You Can Have Your Cake And Casino

Many years have passed since the launch of Poker For Free back in 2006. Few of you might remember the glory days when we had a lively Poker Club, numerous freerolls, and value-added tournaments. Also, players who come in first in our monthly tournaments will get prizes. Some of our past prizes have included Poker For Free merchandise and entry tickets to larger poker tournaments on other sites (including several $100,000 tournaments!). While we own sister sites in German, Dutch and Italian, our main focus will be reviving this site! This means that you can expect some new poker sites to be reviewed and listed. If they appear to be just as unreliable as PokerStars, you can expect us to warn you about it instead of going after their money, fooling you of their trustworthiness.

When you have many options available to you, it only makes sense to determine which one will offer you the most value. Know your enemy. You have to understand that there’s a house advantage. You will come to know about the enthusiasm regarding this plot. If we succeed, the others will follow at some other point. In this area, there will be a mixture of disciplines of poker but in a multi-table tournament (MTT) live casino or Sit and Go (SNG) format. There will also be a mention of the number of times you need to roll over before you could leave the game. We’re working to build a poker community full of poker players and enthusiasts who play together and share tips and tricks, and we need you to join the Poker For Free family.

We have all sorts of Poker For Free goodies to share with our members, including t-shirts, keychains, and more! Furthermore, Poker For Free is dedicated to keeping you up to date about anything that goes on in the world of poker, including poker news, tournament updates, and articles with tips and poker strategies. Right now, Poker For Free is running a special promotion with Club WPT, the online resource that gives you backstage access to the World Poker Tour. We are even researching if re-launching our free poker game is a good idea. In addition to that, misunderstandings are immense, and people can end up in a fight at any time. Most people lose at the casinos in Las Vegas – that’s how they have such big, beautiful buildings all over the place.